The Love Garden

Every relationship is a small living creature. The first child born out of love is the relationship itself. We tend to forget this, even though it would be important to nurture it, just like a garden.

My book titled Love Garden helps you understand the different areas of your relationship through a range of symbols in a garden. Together, you can explore where the darkest parts of the Garden are, and how to change them. You can transform these areas in a way that makes your relationship stronger.

Chapter 1. – excerpt from the book

What is the Garden of your relationship like?

Are you truly living in a Love Garden? Are you in Paradise with your significant other? Do you have a flourishing, lush green Garden? Do you love each other the same way as in the beginning, when you fell in love and said yes to each other? Or are there dark, neglected parts in the Garden? I would like to help you reflect on which areas of your relationship could do with a bit of weeding, nurturing, and tending to.

Let’s explore different areas of your relationships together!

We will wander through a symbolic Garden where each area embodies a part of your relationship.

In this Garden, everything is interconnected, and each part affects the bigger picture. We will observe each segment in detail, from different points of view. We will analyze how you communicate with each other. This is symbolized by the Path, which ideally runs through every corner of the Garden. Can you talk about everything? What can you talk about and how?

Is communication a constructive or a destructive force in your relationship?

What is the Flower Garden like? Every flower has different needs. Similarly, everyone’s love language is different, too. How do we know that we are important to the other person? How well can you talk to each other in the other person’s love language?

The Rock Garden is one of the most dangerous areas, a place for conflicts. We can get hurt here—and the relationship can be damaged, too. What is the driving force behind your conflicts, and how do you handle them?


with ourselves

Via the next animation we get a look into our brain, what type of thoughts are running and taking the lead and energy from us. What can we do to take back control and lead ourselves to happiness, what we all look for.

How can the Love Garden help you?

With the Garden’s range of symbols, you can easily get an overview of the different areas of your relationship.


How can you get close again and restore intimacy?


With these tools, you can set out on a journey toward constructive communication and conflict resolution.


With our questions, you can reach a deeper level of connection, and you will be able to identify and talk about your problems.

The author of Love Garden

dr. Katalin Piczkó

Psychiatrist, relationship expert, trainer, coach, and the creator of the Love Garden program.

„I have been active in the field of relationship counselling, as well as education for more than 20 years. Most of the time, I feel like an interpreter who translates from Hungarian to Hungarian, and exposes the hidden needs behind people’s assigning blame. How can we communicate in a constructive manner, and ensure that the other person really hears our message? How can we deal with conflicts in a way that enables us to mutually satisfy each other’s needs, and preserve the feeling of closeness, intimacy, and a loving connection?”

The different parts of the Garden and what they symbolize

Get familiar with the Love Garden’s symbolism, and gain a more nuanced picture about the message of my book on relationships.


The Arbor — in other words, intimacy: The feeling that you have arrived home. Feeling safe is the prerequisite and fertile soil for intimacy. Intimacy means becoming one. First with your innermost self, then by inviting the other person in, by merging with them. They seem so close that you almost become one. This unity becomes an important part of your identity. You will become “Us”.


The Meadow — in other words, freedom in the relationship: How playful is the relationship? Can you play freely with your partner? Can you laugh together—even at yourselves, at your perceived faults, differences and foibles? Immersing yourself in and connecting to this free, inner child serves as an inexhaustible spring for the unity of “Us”, a spring that sustains the relationship and sexuality.


The Fountain — in other words, sexuality: It signifies how you connect to your own and your partner’s visceral and instinctive parts. Sexuality-related problems are often rooted in the unconscious, hidden from view. These emotional blocks primarily stem from your heart, your mind, or the relationship itself.


The Hill — in other words, learning about the relationship: It symbolizes your ability to see yourself and the relationship from the outside. Do you give yourself and each other time, space, and opportunity to withdraw from everyday life, to reflect on a present or past situation, to share and discuss your feelings and experiences?

Vegetable Patch

The Vegetable Patch — in other words, the roles and rules: This is the system of roles and rules that you partly consciously, and partly unconsciously set.

Performing “acts of love” is required to create the experience of being loved for ourselves, for the relationship, and for the other person. If we “breathe” these acts, in and out, then we truly exist.
